276,00 kr.

VISOCOLOR® HE Acidity AC 7 (REFILL). Titrimetric determination of acidity (base capacity)

Titrimetric determination of acids with sodium hydroxide solution against the p indicator.

Data and ordering information: Cat. No. mn915206

Type: high sensitive titration test kit (refill pack)

Range: 1 syringe last for the determination of 0.2 – 7 mmol/l H , 1 gradation mark = 0.2 mmol/l H

Sufficient for 200 tests with an average acid content of 4 mmol/l H

This test kit is qualified for the analysis of seawater.


Refill sæt til bestemmelse af vands aciditet, eller med andre ord, vands syrebindingsevne.


VISOCOLOR® HE Acidity AC 7 (REFILL). Titrimetric determination of acidity (base capacity)

Titrimetric determination of acids with sodium hydroxide solution against the p indicator.

Data and ordering information: Cat. No. mn915206

Type: high sensitive titration test kit (refill pack)

Range: 1 syringe last for the determination of 0.2 – 7 mmol/l H , 1 gradation mark = 0.2 mmol/l H

Sufficient for 200 tests with an average acid content of 4 mmol/l H

Shelf life at least 2 years

Sea water suitability: yes

Detectable with Photometer: no

In natural unpolluted waters mainly carbonic acid is present, but also humic acids. With this test kit all acids, i. e. also those present in industrial waters, can be determined.

Refill sæt til bestemmelse af vands aciditet, eller med andre ord, vands syrebindingsevne.

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Vægt 1 kg