VISOCOLOR® HE Alkalinity AL 7 (REFILL). Titrimetric determination of alkalinity (acid capacity)
Titrimetric determination of the alkalinity with hydrochloric acid against the m indicator.
Type: high sensitive titration refill pack
Range: 1 syringe is sufficient for the determination of 0.2 – 7 mmol/l OH– (corresponds to 10 – 350 mg/l CaCO3); 1 gradation mark = 0.2 mmol/l OH–
Sufficient for 200 tests with an average acid content of 4 mmol/l OH–
Shelf life at least 2 years
Sea water suitability: yes
Detectable with Photometer: no
All compounds which cause a pH increase above pH 7 are determined, e. g. hydroxide, carbonate, hydrogen carbonate etc..
Refill sæt til bestemmelse af vands alkalitet, eller med andre ord, vands evne til at neutralisere stærk syre ved en bestemt pH værdi.