*** UDGÅET *** Geiger-Müller (GM) rør til alfa-, beta- og gammastråling

1.576,00 kr.


Geiger-Müller (GM) rør til alpha-, beta- and gamma-stråling

Halogen-dæmpet GM detector med mica ende vindue (LND712), in plastik hus, med meget tynd mica vindue, der tillader registrering af svage beta-stråler. Inklusiv beskyttelseshætte til mica vinduet og med aftagelig holder med stang på 10 mmØ



Geiger-Müller Tube for Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-Rays

Halogen-quenched GM detector with mica end window (LND712), in plastic housings, with very thin mica window, which makes the registration of soft Beta-Radiation possible. Including protective cap for mica window and removable stand rod 10 mmØ

Technical Data
• Gas Filling: Ne Halogen
• Maximum Starting Voltage: 325 V
• Recommended Operating Voltage: 500 V
• Operating Voltage Range: 450-650 V
• Plateau Range: approx. 200 V
• Relative Plateau Slope: < 0,06 % V-1
• Dead Time: approx. 90 µs
• Lifetime: > 10^10 Imp.
• Maximum Background Shieilded: < 0,2 Imp. s-1 (3 mm Al and 50 mm Pb)
• Gamma Sensitivity Co60 (cps/mR/Hr): 18
• Window: 9,1 mm Ø
• Areal Density: 1.5 … 2 mg cm-2
• Cable: Coax, 50 cm length with BNC-connector
• Dimensions: 90 mm x 24 mmØ